Olympus 12 x 25 PC I binoculars Olympus 10 x 21 DPC I Silver BinocularsThese binoculars are great for general use. As there were no previous reviews on Amazon, I researched it on other websites and ordered it through Amazon, being the cheapest of course! Even though there was no mention of a protective case on the product description, I can confirm that it is supplied with one. The binoculars are very light and comfy to hold and the... | These binoculars are a replacement for a Nikon pair that I had had for almost 20 years. In comparison the Olympus pair are almost the same except the build quality and materials used are cheaper-looking than the Nikon pair which is disappointing given the time since I bought the first pair. Additionally I have found the rubber eye-sockets to be quite annoying because... Olympus 12 x 25 PC I Silver Binocular |
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